Articles Curated by Formula SAE Judges

Systems Integration Skitter Yaeger Systems Integration Skitter Yaeger

Field Guide To Design Finals

In the time it takes to read this sentence, design finalists are capable of presenting data from the same day’s Autocross, along with analysis of which assumptions the data validates or invalidates, how it fits with all their other testing, and what the next steps are to continue improving the car and drivers. They do this for everything, all year.

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Systems Integration, IC Powertrain Anthony Musci Systems Integration, IC Powertrain Anthony Musci

The Indigo Story

They made a whole host of small changes that were almost imperceptible to the eye but aerodynamically significant. They also gave the car a nose-down rake by lowering the front suspension and raising the rear, both ever-so-slightly. All of the changes made the car significantly safer to drive at high speed. But the Ford Indigo was never going to be driven at high speeds as a show concept car – right?

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Design Of Strong, Stiff, And Light Structures And Joints

The most common barrier between your team and your performance goals is reliability. These design best practices are intended to help you create strong, stiff, and light mechanical designs. Every design requires tradeoffs, and this list is not intended to be a set of absolute rules; but it will help you identify common design strategies to follow, pitfalls to avoid, and will inform your design decision making.

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Cockpit/Controls/Brakes Skitter Yaeger Cockpit/Controls/Brakes Skitter Yaeger

Notes On Anthropometry

There is amazing variability in human bodies. Generally, vehicles are designed to reach from the 5th to 95th percentile, including any gender differences. But determining the measurements to use is complicated. Different countries or regions may have different ranges, and the gene interactions for any individual result in many different percentiles depending on the measurement.

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IC Powertrain Billy Godbold IC Powertrain Billy Godbold

Dynamic Valve Event Optimization

The approach to understand what makes an engine run well is to look at the opening and closing of each valve. But whatever you want the valves to do, they’re actually doing something else, because you always have: Deflection, Inertia, and Vibration.

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